insights about software development

Friday, August 17, 2018

At work

August 17, 2018 Posted by eroltutumlu No comments
"There is an old saying, "People join companies and leave bosses." Your relationship to your supervisor has a huge impact on whether you stay and flourish at your job or leave. It is the most important relationship you have at work. You are looking to build trust with your boss."

Saturday, August 11, 2018

How to Code Fast

August 11, 2018 Posted by eroltutumlu No comments
I am a Software developer with massive experience in .Net framework. I worked in a startup and small software business. I am currently working in a big global company specialized in enterprise softwares for its customers.

We must code as quickly as we can. We think fast on problem giving by manager. I have already thoughts how can we be fast enough. I also did a little research and noticed my thoughts are useful in fast coding. I left the links below of the page.

It isn’t normal unless you have got 10 years plus experience. If you have got less than 5 years experience and you’re coding slow I think it is normal by depeding person. Key is to work hard. Never give up.

Solution is really simple. Just PRACTICE after work. I think the only way to write fast code is to practice coding on weekends and after work. Learn new things, think about problems and design a solution.

Other idea is being an agile person. Eating healthy food makes you feel good so your brain will get the necessary energy it needs.  Go out and get a hobby. These things will make you  think properly and code fast.

The thing we care is that we want simple code.

Check out below links: